Buyer's Guide To
Sleep Supplements
What Everyone Needs to Know About Sleep Health

Brought to you by MD Health Reports
Sleeping Woman

Here are some steps you can take to make sure your joints are healthy!

Everyone at some time in their life has had trouble in the sleep area. Those troubles can come from a wide range of things you do throughout your day or directly before bedtime. There are many simple things you could do to improve your sleep quality and sleep altogether. We’ve listed 7 of them for you and some might just be surprising! Follow the link to find out what may be causing your problems and how you can make a major improvement quickly.

1. Start A Personal Sleep Diary

This step may sound a little out there for many not used to doing these types of things, but it could be of great importance in treating sleeping problems. In your sleep diary you will want to list your activities such as the time you went to bed and awakened, total hours of sleep you had and whether you awakened feeling refreshed or still tired and other details such as activities though-out the day and specifically right before bedtime. This makes it easier to spot certain patterns which might be affecting your sleep.

Step One and Two

2. Keep a Consistent Sleep Schedule

There is scientific evidence which shows that individuals with a consistent routine for going to sleep showed long-term improvement for sleep and quality. It may be hard to keep the same sleep schedule especially if you want to stay up late night and watch that movie or go out on the town for the weekends but give it a try. The majority of people will need from 7 to 8 hours sleep each night to maintain healthy and productive lifestyles.

Step Two

3. Exercise Daily

Yes, getting plenty of exercise whenever you can could relieve stress. If your problem is falling asleep, then a long hard session at the gym should do the trick. There are also some studies which show a correlation between the amounts of time spent exercising plus emotional and physical states that spark brain chemistry changes. Simply put, the more fuel burned during the day, the less restless you’ll feel when it’s time to hit the sheets!

Image One

4. Keep It Dark And Quiet When It’s Time to Sleep

The light from things like alarm clocks, cell phones and other electrical devices can be totally distracting causing sleep interference. It’s a great idea to also block the light shining into your window from the outside or use eye masks to keep yourself in the dark. If you sleep with a radio on just turn it off and turn off phones or computers hours before bedtime to give your mind time to relax. The lights and noise could stimulate the brain and therefore suppress Melatonin production.

Step Four

5. Avoid Drinks Containing Caffeine and Alcohol. Eliminate Chemicals Such As Nicotine Which Can Interfere With Sleep

Caffeine beverages have been known to greatly interfere with getting a good night sleep and decreasing of sleep quality. Caffeine drinks are stimulants which often keep an individual awake and active. Eliminate caffeine drinks and nicotine at least 4-8 hours before bedtime. Caffeine drinks include coffee, soda and the majority of energy drinks but could also include things such as pain relief supplements.

Step Five

6. Take Naps Earlier In The Day

Have you ever taken a nap later in the day perhaps evening naps but found that you weren’t tired at night? Everyone has done that and the reason you couldn’t fall asleep at night was because naps later on in the day do decrease the sleep drive. Try keeping all your naps short, and keep them before 4pm if you must take them.

Step Six

7. Use Sleeping Pill Supplements

Although they’re OTC products, many of the popular Sleeping Pill Supplement brands like Somnivar will help you get the amount of sleep required to function properly throughout your day. A tip for using sleep supplements is to find the brands that are effective, you can do that by checking reviews, company history (if any) and definitely the ingredients.

Step Seven
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